From: Mike Pentzer


First Note:

Hi Steve, I don't know if you remember me but I lived in West Carrollton until 1960 then moved to Washington Court House, where I still live. I lived at 136 West Main St.-- ran around with Dennis Jordan, Ron Clensy Steve Lowman, and Mike Rucker, you were in there also. I was talking to Tom Gauldin and he gave me the website address. Sure was sorry to see Mr. Guiler passed. I remember him well. Just wanted to say hello and let you know I still think about all you guys. You can tell them all I said hello.   Mike Pentzer -- still a Pirate at heart.

Second Note

Steve, it sure was good hearing from you, and that picture was probably taken on the back porch of my old home on Main St. Steve Lowman's brother Buddy, is a visiting judge. My wife is deputy clerk of courts and met him one day. The next time he came to town she told him a lot about his family and friends. He was floored until he remembered who I was. I have been married for 34 years 3 daughters and 2 granddaughters with one on the way. I did 4 years in the air force was all over S.E. Asia but spent most of my time on Okinawa. Retired from Prudential Insurance about 18 months ago. Sure don't miss it. Taking some time off but going to work at a new Wal-Mart dist center. Looking forward to it. Unless the city comes across with a little more money then I will go to work as water fresh water operator.

I'd love to hear about everyone. You wouldn't believe how often I think about old West Carr. -Mike