From: Linda Staten Moore
Date: 1/10/03
I just discovered this forum
after I wrote Steve a letter and posted it.
Maybe he will transfer it over here. Lloyd, I didn't know you knew how
to write! I'm amazed! Jiggs surprises
me as well. Are you saying that at the
age of 55 he is acting like an old man? I was just talking with a girlfriend
today while we were jogging over the bridge on the Indian River (temperature 78
degrees) that it seems like all of our
female contemporaries are
still babes while the guys are all fat and bald. What happened to all you hunks out there? How's that for stirring things up,
Lloyd? Seriously, I hope you all had a
great holiday. Pray for peace because
most of our kids are draftable...remember those we lost in Vietnam. Shalom, my dear friends.
Linda Staten Moore